Friday, August 16, 2013

Indulge Yourself In Your Child's Activities, School & Hobbies

It is a known fact that kids whom parents are actively concerned and involved with them tend to become healthier, happier and more accustomed to the society they live in. They also do well academically and develop a keen interest in other activities as well. This nurturing enhances their cognitive development and motivates them to do better. Moreover, the bond between the kids and their parents too becomes stronger and this has a great impact on their educational achievements. Besides kids, the parents too can gain a positive prospective about their parenting skills and become more confident and proud of their kid’s academic success.  

So the question is, “As a parent how do you get involved?” We live in a highly competitive world where we need to juggle between work and home; this makes the average family unable to spend quality time with each other. But almost all parents can plan their choices and commitment levels depending on their dedication, thus making parenting a positive experience for the parents as well as their children.

You need to find out what your kid loves to do. You might have plans to volunteer for the school bake sale to generate funds, but your child might be more interested in her local Girl Scouts troop and actively taking part in it. If this is true then you can catch up with the parents of other girls who are part of the Girl Scout group and decide how to be involved in assisting the troop. Moreover, you can also arrange for a bake sale which will fund their next summer outing.
You need to think about the various skills and abilities which you can enhance in your child. Your kid’s school may be in dire need of your assistance to arrange for a fund raiser, however if you are adept at the art of sewing then your expertise can be used to design costumes for the school’s annual play. You need to bear in mind that this should be a very fruitful and positive experience for you and your child, and in case your kid feels that you are unhappy with the activity you are involved in then this will have a negative impact on your kid too.

However, you need to remain consistently involved. Kids whom parents are deeply involved rarely tend to get into mischiefs, play pranks and they seldom suffer from emotional issues at home and school. Hence it is really fruitful to be connected with your child constantly as this will work for the mutual benefit of you and your child.
Image provided by stockimages/

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